Sunday, November 14, 2021

Bringing Learning to Life With VR

Virtual reality (VR) is something that I have been wanting to explore more.  I've heard of it, but have never really taken the time to look into what it's all about.  In fact, when I began cleaning the school library that I am currently working in, I came across several VR headsets.  I remember saying to myself "what in the world did they ever purchase this for".  Let me explain myself in this thought process real quick.  First, the set requires a device that we do not have access to at our elementary school.  Second, I really didn't have any experience with VR and didn't know how beneficial to the learning experience it can be.  So, as I read and researched this week I have found that with the right type of device, VR can be very beneficial.  

Immersiva Virtual Reality GIF - Immersiva Virtual Reality Vr - Discover &  Share GIFs

I am here to share the Oculus Quest 2 VR headset.  The Oculus has numerous apps for both educational and recreational purposes. They start at $299 for one with 128GB of storage.  The Oculus also does not require a PC for operation.  

So, how can you use the Oculus in the classroom?  Using the ChalkTalk app with Oculus, students are able to experience the learning process in an entirely new way.  Have you ever wished that you could bring to life a drawing that you put on a whiteboard?  This app will allow you to do that.  Check out this article to learn more about ChalkTalk.  This video is a great introduction in to how ChalkTalk allows you to bring drawn images to life.  

While virtual reality is still a developing topic in the education world, there are many perks of using it.  Some of them include: 
-Making learning an active experience
-Limiting distractions
-Taking student engagement to a whole new level
-Learn complex subjects
For more information on the perks of using VR, check out this article on how to use VR in the classroom. 


  1. I am really excited about the Oculus Quest 2 VR headsets. I think they look like a lot of fun. My school had a class set of iPods and goggles for Google Expeditions and it worked out really well. I think this would be great to have a class set and let teachers check them out for activities and content. Of course there would probably be some training involved, but for such a neat experience in the classroom, I know many teachers would be excited. I love that through the Oculus students can bring drawings to life. This would be great for STEM projects and creation. I don't see this coming to my school anytime soon, but I am excited to see how other school use the Oculus.

  2. I liked the itemized list you shared for using VR in the classroom. The two subjects of AR and VR are subjects that I knew very little about before this semester. I like the idea of virtual field trips and traveling through VR to other parts of the world!

  3. Caitlin,
    Your blog post was concise and shared great information about incorporating VR in the classroom using the Oculus Quest headset. My husband has an Oculus, and as I started reading the post I was not sure how a gaming device could transfer to the classroom. It was cool to learn that the Oculus Quest 2 does not require a laptop or a bunch of cords to operate. I could only imagine how crazy it could get if students were attached to a computer. Also, I really like the article you shared about ways to use VR in the classroom.


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