Thursday, December 1, 2022

A Chat With A School Librarian: Kim

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Student led learning is a big part of education today.  Inquiry is a major part of this student led learning.  Students are encouraged to think and ask questions.  School librarian Kim and I had a discussion on inquiry in her school library program.  

Connecting to prior knowledge helps students to make connections with topics as they go.  To encourage this, Kim uses a variety of questioning strategies prior to reading a book to her elementary students.  After reading, students are asked to come up with a question that they would like to learn more about the topic they read on.  Recently at a library meeting, we were encouraged to look at the ELA standards that students had the most difficult time showing achievement on when taking the SC Ready test.  We then were told to come up with strategies to help meet these standards.  Many of the things, we naturally do when reading with students.  The one thing we all agreed we could be better at is encouraging students to ask questions, even at the kindergarten level.  Kim's idea to have students ask a question at the end is a great way to encourage inquiry and meet that standard.  

Kim uses a variety of strategies to implement inquiry.  When students form questions, she guides them to books, mostly nonfiction, that can help them find answers.  They also have access to Epic on their Chromebooks, so when they can't find a book in the library with answers, they turn to Epic.  She also tries to collaborate with teachers on research to provide materials.  For example, if students are doing a research project on animals, she pulls books about the different animals they are researching.  

A fourth school librarian, and a fourth answer that is the same in regards to challenges: time.  Kim only sees her students once a week for 45 minutes on a fixed schedule.  With checking books in and out and conducting a read aloud, there is little time for implementation of the competencies.  As I have been having discussions with these school librarians and other school librarians, time is the common factor.  It appears as though a fixed schedule makes things nearly impossible to get accomplished.  So here is my question...How do we find the time to accomplish these goals in order to meet the needs of our students? 

A Chat With A School Librarian: Aleisha

 AGI: Creating Animated GIFs from STK Visualizations

Create, discover, EXPLORE.  Sometimes it is necessary to step outside of our comfort zone and into things we otherwise would not choose.  As I had a discussion about the explore with school librarian Aleisha, we discussed the necessity to expose students to a wide variety of topics.  

Aleisha is a middle school librarian.  Middle schoolers are often times recluses as they are trying to create their image and figure out who they are as a person.  When students visit Aleisha in the library, she does all she can to encourage students to explore new topics.  She conducts read alouds when classes visit her on a wide variety of topics and genres.  She also shares book talks on a wide variety of topics and genres in order to encourage students to try new books on new topics.  Prior to students visiting the library, Aleisha meets with teachers to decide what needs to be shared to benefit students most.  At the beginning of the year, Aleisha conducts interest inventories as a way to learn about her students.  Students often participate in STEM activities.  This allows them collaborate while they create and explore.  She plans these activities with classroom teachers in order to ensure they go along with what teachers are doing in their classrooms.    

I have had two other conversations with school librarians about different competencies, and there has been one common theme: time is the biggest challenge.  For Aleisha, she has a fixed schedule that does not allow for flexibility outside of the regular scheduled classes very often.  It seems as though there are many things that school librarians want to accomplish, but they do not have the time to do it.  School librarians wear many hats and they try to give their students the best experience they can, but they time to plan for positive experiences.  

A Chat With A School Librarian: Elizabeth

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Elizabeth Andrews is the school librarian at McBee High School in McBee, SC.  She works in a unique setting in which she serves both middle and high school students, as McBee High is home to students in grades 6-12.

Elizabeth and I had a discussion on collaboration. When students visit the library at McBee High, they sit in groups of 3-4 at tables.  This is an easy opportunity for students to have group discussion and work with each other.  Elizabeth says that while she is teaching, she is purposeful about stopping to have students talk with their tables.  Often times, when given the opportunity to share out, many students are hesitant to participate.  They may feel intimidated or as if their answer is not "good".  Elizabeth discussed a strategy she uses to combat this.  She tries to move from table to table, listening to students conversations.  This allows her choose students to share who otherwise may be reluctant.  She also uses Jamboards as a way for all students to participate in lessons.  Jamboard is a feature students can use on their Chromebooks.

In order to have a successful library program, collaboration should not only occur with students during the class, but also with teachers.  Elizabeth collaborates with teachers in the middle school to teach research skills.  When they are completing projects, they often times come to the library to conduct research.  She has shown them where to find books in the library and how to use databases.  She did state that she wishes she had more time to collaborate with teachers, especially in the high school departments.  

As in most things, there is not enough time to accomplish all she would like to accomplish.   Teachers are so often pulled to do other things during their planning that it is nearly impossible to meet with for planning purposes.  Time is the most challenging part of collaboration for Elizabeth.  

A Chat With A School Librarian: Lindsey

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Lindsey Arant is the school librarian at New Heights Middle School in Pageland, SC.  As the school librarian, Lindsey works hard to create an environment that is welcoming for all of her students.  

Lindsey and I had a discussion on the curate foundation.  She said that a top priority for her is to diversify her collection.  When she buys new books and materials, she works hard to select materials that represent all students.  She also takes teacher and student requests into consideration.  As the librarian, these are both important things to consider when building a collection.  Students need to see themselves in the books they are reading; they serve as mirrors for students.  We also want to instill a love of reading in all students.  By taking suggestions from students, she is able to select books that she knows her students will want to read.  Collaboration with teachers is also a crucial part of being a school librarian.  Teachers will likely give suggestions that they know align with their students interests and the standards they are teaching.  

Students at New Heights Middle all have Chromebooks.  Lindsey uses features on Chromebooks to help students organize information as they gather it through research.  Technology is enhancing the way in which students are able to curate information.  There are numerous apps, but also learning to use the Google Drive for students with Chromebooks is a great way to help students store information and resources.  

While curation of materials is a crucial aspect of being a successful school librarian, there are challenges that prevent school librarians like Lindsey from being as successful at this as she would like.  Lindsey said that she is not able to collaborate with classroom teachers like she would like to.  She said she does not have time to meet with teachers due to the extra demands of her job such as handling Chromebooks.  She, like many others, is required to do much more than the role of her job description.  She also has a low budget that prevents her from purchasing many materials.  Working in a low income school and district presents its challenges, but teachers like Lindsey do what they can to provide access for students as best they can.  

A Chat With A School Librarian: Kim

Student led learning is a big part of education today.  Inquiry is a major part of this student led learning.  Students are encouraged to th...